2017 SOLO Annual Tech.
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- Category: 2017 Annual SOLO Tech.
- Published on Tuesday, 24 January 2017 16:40
- Hits: 2385
Oklahoma Region 2017 Solo Annual Tech
This program allows qualifying Oklahoma Region SCCA Solo competitors to more easily meet Tech requirements by allowing them to perform their own safety inspection prior to each Regional event rather than presenting their car for inspection at Tech, thus providing more time on the morning of the event for course walks and final car/driver prep for the event.
The annual tech program is a privilege, not a right. As such, it carries with it duties and responsibilities. It’s designed to be self-policing so as a participant it is your responsibility to make sure your car meets ALL of the requirements stated in the Solo Rules (SR) and the Oklahoma Region Supplementary Regulations relative to vehicle safety.
If you discover that your vehicle does not meet any of these requirements during the course of an SCCA event, you MUST immediately notify the Chief of Tech and disqualify that vehicle from competition – no further runs shall be made in that vehicle until it is brought into full compliance with the SR and approved by the Chief of Tech or his designee.
As an annual tech participant, if it is found that you knowingly competed in a non-compliant vehicle your annual tech status may be revoked and future annual tech privileges may be suspended.
SCCA’s rules, no matter how trivial they may seem, are intended to ensure the safety of all event participants. The Oklahoma Region Solo Safety Steward takes them very seriously, as should you.
Please review the following details of the program and be sure you are willing and able to comply with all program requirements.
Be safe and have fun!
Mark Council
Solo co-chairman, Oklahoma Region SCCA
Assumptions and Disclaimers:
Presenting a vehicle that is safe to operate and is in compliance with the SCCA Solo Rules (SR) is the responsibility of the competitor. The Solo safety inspection conducted at each event by the Oklahoma Region Tech staff (as outlined in Section 3.3 and other relevant sections of the SR) is an aid to help competitors spot obvious and common deficiencies, but this inspection IN NO WAY relieves the entrant of their responsibility to properly maintain and monitor their vehicle for safe operation.
Safety cannot be “inspected in”. No matter how thoroughly a safety inspection is done by the Tech staff, a deficiency in mechanical maintenance practices or vehicle design may result in hazards that are not detected by the Tech inspectors.
Who is eligible?
• To be eligible for Annual Tech for the 2017 season, you must have previously participated in a minimum of five (6) Oklahoma Region SCCA Solo events – a list of those eligible is appended below. Experienced competitors not meeting this requirement can request a waiver from the Chief of Tech or Solo Chairman, which may be granted at their discretion.
• Beginning in 2011 the SCCA Solo Rules no longer require annual tech participants to have a printed copy of the SR, however it’s strongly recommended that competitors familiarize themselves with those provisions in the SR related to vehicle safety as well as any relevant provisions in the Oklahoma Region Supplementary Regulations. The Solo Rules may be purchased in hard copy from the SCCA national office or downloaded from the SCCA Solo web site.
• Karts, including Kart Modified and Junior Kart vehicles, are not eligible to participate in the Oklahoma Region Annual Tech program.
How does the 2017 Solo Annual Tech Program work?
• Oklahoma Region will conduct an Annual Safety Inspection at Mark Council’s House in Edmond, Oklahoma on March 12, 2017 (time TBA), and tentatively at Remington Park in OKC, Oklahoma on March 18, 2017 during the test and tune event. Annual inspections will not normally be conducted during the operation of regional events but eligible participants who are unable to attend one of the two scheduled dates may contact the Chief of Tech for alternative arrangements and will be accommodated if at all possible.
• Prior to presenting a vehicle for the Annual Safety Inspection, the owner or at least one driver of the vehicle will perform a safety inspection, to include completing and signing the Annual Safety Inspection Checklist appended below. Bring the completed and signed Annual Safety Inspection Checklist to the annual tech site, along with the corresponding vehicle. The Tech inspector will use the form to complete the annual tech process.
• The vehicle must be presented for inspection in the same condition it will compete, including class letters and numbers in full compliance with SCCA rules. If any electronic equipment (cameras, video cameras, data logging equipment, etc.) will be used during competition, those must be installed in the vehicle during inspection to allow verification of adequate and safe installation. Competitors need not have their competition tires mounted on the vehicle, but must present them for inspection along with the competition wheels to be used.
• Any personal safety equipment required by the SR, including helmets, must also be presented for inspection along with the vehicle.
• For any “open” vehicle with a racing harness installed, all intended drivers of the vehicle must be present during inspection to allow the Tech staff to verify roll structure clearance.
• Tech staff will inspect each vehicle and all personal safety equipment to verify compliance and upon completion of the inspection will indicate either pass or fail on the inspection form. If the vehicle and equipment passes, the completed form will be retained by the Chief of Tech and will serve as the Annual Safety Inspection Certification for that vehicle.
• At least one driver of each vehicle with an Annual Safety Inspection Certification will perform an actual safety inspection of the vehicle before each event, including verification that class letters and numbers appearing on the vehicle are in full compliance with Section 3.7 of the SR.
• At each Oklahoma Region event the competitor will initial an Event Sign-Off Sheet at Tech to certify completion of an actual safety inspection for that event, and will then receive the regular tech sticker for that event.
• The Annual Safety Inspection will be honored at all Oklahoma Region SCCA Regional Solo events for 2017, including the MidWest Divisional Event
• Vehicles which experience any on-course mechanical failure, including but not limited to any loss of parts/components of the vehicle, or vehicles which are modified subsequent to the Annual Safety Inspection, must be re-inspected by the Chief of Tech prior to further participation in any Oklahoma Region event.
• The Annual Safety Inspection Certification is specific to the vehicle certified, not to the competitor. If a competitor changes vehicles the new vehicle is not covered by the original Certification, but the competitor may petition for an Annual Inspection of the new vehicle at the discretion of the Chief of Tech.
• The Chief of Tech, Event Chair, Chief of Safety or Solo Chariman may require any competitor to present a vehicle for re-inspection if there is a reason to believe the vehicle is not in compliance with any provision of Section 3.0 of the SR. Vehicles with Annual Certification may be spot checked for compliance during any event.
Inspection requirements
The following list of items is provided for guidance of participants in the Annual Tech Program but is neither intended to be a complete list of items that will be inspected nor to replace the relevant sections of the SR. The current SR and any sections of the SCCA General Competition Rules (GCR) referenced in the SR, as well as any applicable Oklahoma Region Solo Supplementary Regulations, shall apply to the annual inspection to be performed.
• All loose items must be removed from inside and outside the passenger compartment, trunk and other areas – unsecured floor mats, garage door openers, gas cans in trunk, beer cans in back seat, etc.
• Any video camera, data acquisition equipment or similar electronics to be used during competition runs must be present for inspection, must be securely mounted, whether inside or outside the vehicle, and must not interfere with driving or pose any hazard to driver, passenger or course workers. Tip: bungee cords and/or duct tape are not secure enough.
• Driver controls i.e. accelerator/brake/clutch pedals must not interfere with each other’s operation, and any covers must be securely attached and provide a nonslip surface.
• Remove all snap-on hubcaps, trim rings, fender skirts, or similar items. It may be necessary to remove any permanent wheel covers if doing so is required to expose lug nuts/bolts – all wheel lug nuts/bolts must be visible throughout any competition.
• All lug nuts/bolts must be tight and wheels safely mounted as designed. Vehicles may not have any missing or stripped lug nuts/bolts. Proper use of a torque wrench is highly recommended. Non-metallic wheels are not allowed (exception: FSAE).
• All tires must be in good condition with no visible belts, cord or cracks and must have measurable tread depth per the SR.
• Seat (lap) belts or harness are required and must be properly installed. Open cars or cars with T-tops or a targa top removed may not have a harness installed unless a roll structure meeting SR requirements is present. Example: a Corvette C4 with a racing harness but without an acceptable roll bar/cage may not run with the targa top removed.
• The following vehicles must have a roll bar/cage meeting SR requirements: A, B, C and F Mod and all open D and E Mod, and all open Prepared.
• Seats must be securely mounted and meet provisions in the SR specific to the vehicle class. Example: vehicles competing in Street Prepared must have seats with a headrest that rises to at least the middle of the competitor’s head.
• The throttle return must be positive and safe. Prepared vehicles must have a dual spring return, minimum.
• There must be no excessive fluid leaks – “excessive” shall be at the Chief of Tech’s discretion. All Prepared and Modified cars must have catch cans in compliance with 3.3.3.B.10 – owners of such vehicles may be required to remove any body panels necessary to verify this.
• Vehicles must be adequately muffled, and the exhaust must exit behind the driver or to the side of the car – no exceptions.
• Brakes must be in good condition – meaning adequate pedal, master cylinder full and fluid not excessively contaminated or aged, no cracked or excessively worn rotors, pads/linings not excessively worn (be prepared to remove wheels for inspection if requested), and no apparent leaks. A dual system is required – single OE systems are allowed but must have a separately functional e-brake. All cars except for Prepared and Modified must have a functioning e-brake.
• SP cars with a fuel cell must meet all Time Trials Level 3 safety standards, including rollover protection and presence of a functional fire extinguisher.
• Wheel bearings, shocks, steering and suspension joints must not be loose or excessively worn.
• Battery must be securely mounted – this is a very common failure, so please make sure the battery mount is tight and both cables are secure. If a wet-cell battery has been relocated, it must be in a marine-type container and the “hot” terminal must be covered/insulated.
• “Flex” fans are not allowed.
• Helmets must be presented for inspection, must be in good condition and meet the requirements of SR 4.3.1. Any participant in a vehicle without a full windshield must also have a face shield, goggles or similar face protection. Open wheel cars and formula cars require a full-face helmet. A Oklahoma Region helmet sticker will be affixed to compliant helmets and must be present on the helmet during all regional events.
• Shoes may be inspected, or not, but drivers are cautioned that during competition shoes covering the entire foot must be worn.
• Prepared cars are required to have a sealed firewall between the engine and the passenger compartment. Refer to SR 17.2.F for details.
Additional items for Mod cars:
• A chain drive must have a cover/shield.
• Standard transmission cars must have a scattershield/bellhousing.
• Cars must have an external master switch that disables all electrical power, in a standard location and properly marked.
• RWD D and E Mod cars must have a driveshaft hoop. o Note: D and E Mod cars are exempt from scattershield/master switch/driveshaft hoop requirements if running on DOT tires.
• Any ballast must be securely attached.
• If fluid lines run over a belly pan, the pan must have drain holes.
• A Mod and “Specials” must have a roll bar extending at least 2” above driver’s helmet in normal driving position and a head restraint to prevent rearward head movement per the SR, and must have a minimum 5-point driver restraint system.
Car numbers:
Participants in the Annual Tech Program are considered to be experienced drivers who will set an example for Novice and less-experienced competitors, thus strict compliance with Section 3.7 of the SR regarding class letters and car numbers is expected and will be part of the Annual Safety Inspection – no exceptions. Temporary vehicle identification (example: taped-on letters/numbers) are not acceptable for Annual Tech.
As a reminder:
• Class letters and numbers must be adjacent, and affixed to both sides of the car on vehicle bodywork, not on windows.
• Only one set of numbers and class letters can be visible on each side during competition.
• Class is represented by upper case letter abbreviation. Please leave the stylistic hard-to-read letters/numbers to other “automotive enthusiasts.”
• All numbers and letters (including the “1” for two-driver cars, the “L” for ladies classes, etc.) must use the same typeface and color and must provide enough contrast to the background color to be clearly and easily read by Timing and course workers even when the car is at speed. Sufficient contrast will be determined by the Chief of Tech – whining is not allowed if yours fails.
• Numbers must be a minimum of 8” tall and have a stroke width of 1.25” – a template will be used to check this, so measure carefully.
• Letters must be a minimum of 4” tall with a stroke width of 0.75” – a template will be used for this as well.
Failed vehicles:
Vehicles which fail the Annual Safety Inspection for one or more minor issues but pass in all other respects may have those issues corrected prior to the next Oklahoma Region SCCA event and the vehicle may then be presented to the Chief of Tech for reinspection of those areas which previously failed. If found acceptable at that time, the vehicle will receive an Annual Safety Inspection Certification valid for the rest of the 2017 season.
Vehicles which are found to be in poor operating condition or which exhibit obvious indications of poor maintenance shall be deemed ineligible for the Annual Tech Program, and will require inspection at each Solo event. Specific failure items shall be noted to allow the participant to apply appropriate corrective action prior to the next event in which the vehicle is entered.
2017 Oklahoma Region Solo Annual Tech Eligibility List
Adams, Shawn
Hovorka, Abigail
Baumgardner, Zack
Jensen, Mark
Bilodeau, Mark
Kaplan, Russell
Blocker, Greg
Knop, Kevin
Blocker, Zac
Larson, Chris
Bowie, Chris
Luna, Robert
Brosius, David
Martinez, Paul
Brosius, Elizabeth
Mason, Derek
Council, Mark
McClure, James
Craft, Ben
McCreight, Bill
Crowe, Rick
Moore, Collin
Davis, Kasey
Munsell, Bill
Donovan, Al
Plotkin, Catherine
Durbin, Lewis
Pyeatt, Jon
Ederer, Jon
Rutter, Clarence
Evans, Meredith
Seelig, Robert
Fitzsimmons, Shelby
Seeling, Michelle
Garling, Tyler
Sephus, WB
Garvin, Clancy
Sharp, Stephen
Garvin, Darren
Strawmeyer, Adam
Garvin, Jill
Thao, Bee
Grissom, Mark
Thomas, Danny
Hamilton, Cindy
Thomas, Darci
If your name is not on the list, and you believe you are eligible, please contact Mark Council, Stephen Sharp, or Zack Baumgardner and we will consider your request.