Hallett April Majors Tour
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- Category: Hallett April Majors Tour
- Published on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 13:15
- Hits: 2363
US Majors Tour event at Hallett on April 9-10
April 9-10 Hallett Majors Recap:
Hallett Motor Racing Circuit, just north of friendly Jennings, OK, hosted the 40th anniversary race of Arkansas Valley Race Group's region's involvement in holding races at Hallett. Connie Stevens, always a gracious hostess and ring master extraordinaire, pandered to this humble group of racers and volunteer works in her usual exceptional manner. With our very own Dr. Gary "Doc" Brown serving as an extraordinary race administrator and chaperone for this sometimes unruly bunch. After worker's meetings and stern talking to's from both Ms. Stevens and Doc Brown a weekend full of racing in beautiful and hilly Green Country, where the hills roll and the air hears of thunder and smells of burnt race gas and sticky Hoosier tires! Our very own Oklahoma region members, Jack Donnellan, Roger Addison, Michael Siemer and Jesse Woodyard were in attendance to compete for the top step of the podium and the tasty Mazza Vineyards sparkling wine. Also in attendance were Oklahoma Region members Gary Brown (Race Administrator), Bill McCreight (Tech Inspection), Lynn Cooper (Tech Inspection), Jim Duea (Timing and Scoring), Cerra Moore (8-year old helper extraordinaire), Jon Pyaet (Registration), Gene Pyaet (Registration), and your humble writer Collin Moore (Tech Inspection). After two fierce days of relatively incident free competition, baring one minor incident where a Spec Miata ended up a-holes over elbows, champions of the Green Country Grand Prix were crowned, "champagne" was drank and many workers were wind burned and happily fattened and pleasantly drunk on the kind offering of these gracious road racers. Our very own Jack Donnellan was crowned over all winner in P2 on both Saturday and Sunday, Roger Addison 7th on Saturday and 6th on Sunday in Formula Mazda, Jesse Woodyard 2nd on Saturday and 11th on Sunday in Formula Mazda, and Michael Siemer 21st on both Saturday and Sunday. Please join me in congratulating our club racers on their exceptional achievements in a very competitive field of racers assembled from across the Mid-States Regions! Your very humble editor is slightly frost bitten and slightly burned after a weekend full of catching up with old friends and helping out with an area of the club that needs our support in making each and every event a success!
Collin Moore
Executive Vice President and enjoying a fine bottle of the very best of the Mazza Vinyards Sparkling Wine