Gymkhanas, Autocrosses, SOLO

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Title Author Hits
1957 "Second Annual Gymkhana" Written by Ray Herndon Jr. 2619
The First MIDDIV Solo II Written by George England 2810
September 24, 2011 SOLO Slideshow Written by Stephen England 4208
Hollywood Gymkhana 1966 Written by Larry Miller and The Norman Transcript 2225
1972 A Year of Change Written by Stephen England 3990
Fort Hood Hill Climb Written by George England 2184
Choctaw Massacre SOLO II (Times 3) Written by Stephen England 2009
Inter-City Gymkhana Series - The Early Years Written by Various 2124
Boy Are These Guys Losers Written by Bill Trimble 2036
Adventure In Spain Written by Alan Cadwell 1984
1985 Turnpike Challenge and Cowboy Auto Club Trophy Written by Mike Elliott 2020
1970 Schlitz Cup Series Written by Paul Harris, Harry Handley 2293
GEX SOLO Two September 22, 1968 Written by Hank Kliner & Jack Easterly 1991
1975 Spring Games - Turnpike Series Round 1 Written by Hillery Bonham 2021
Ladies First Written by Stephen England 2030
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