December 3, 2012 Meeting Minutes

OKSCCA Board/Membership Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2012

Board members present were Al Donovan, Steve Schroeder, Bob Seelig, and Michelle Seelig.

1.       Treasurer’s report:

Steve reported $2960.18 in the checking account. Savings account balance is $6670.45.

2.       Secretary’s report:

Membership as of October: 154.

Minutes for November were approved by board members present.

3.       Club racing report:


4.       SOLO report:

Meredith is working on trophies; no price yet.

5.       Old Business:


6.       New Business:

          Steve England will need a list of the officers to put on the web site.

          Steve England is working on getting sponsors for the web site.

          Board has to vote on Margaret England award.

Michelle motioned to adjourn, Steve seconded; meeting adjourned.

Next meeting January 19, 2013.

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