1971 ORDA Formation
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- Category: ORDA
- Published on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 14:11
- Hits: 2283
In the January, 1972 Gazette, John Saucier explained the formation of the ORDA.
I’m sure you’ve heard of the Grand Prix Drivers Association (GPDA). We now have the Okla Race Drivers Association (ORDA). This is made up of all the drivers (racing type) in the Okla Region for the time being. We hope to include at a later date, all the drivers in the MIDIV. If we can work this all out, we’ll have a very large voice in what is done in this part of the country. As it is now, we still have a voice, but not very big.
The ORDA came into being at the last meeting of the Okla Region drivers in November ’71. The whole idea is to give all drivers a place to find out bits of information about racing or about a given race course, or what have you. It will also give you a place to air your gripes, be they large or small. So feel free to call on me at any time, day or night.
I’m also going to be keeping points for our (Okia Region) year end awards, so be sure to let me know how you finish in a race. I’d like very much to have a copy of the official results if at all possible.
I’ll try to keep an updated record of each driver’s points in Regional and/or Nat’l races. These will be published in the gasket Gazette each month.
Go fast, Have fun,
John Saucier
In the January, 1973 Gazette, George England further explained the purpose of ORDA when he wrote:
As the newly elected Chairman of the ORDA, I hope I can keep up the good work of my predecessor, John Saucier.
For the benefit of new members and readers of the Gasket Gazette, the ORDA is composed of all the Oklahoma Region members who hold a competition license or log book. The - purpose of the organization is to furnish our race drivers a means of expressing their collective views on matters concerning racing, with particular emphasis on the conduct of races, race course safety, car classification, etc. The ORDA has enjoyed official status within the Oklahoma Region, being recognized as a committee of the Region for the purpose of establishing rules and keeping records for year end competition driving awards. The ORDA does not compete with the Board of Directors nor have any voice in establishing Region policy or conducting Region business.